Follow the below process in order to verify your domain for Google Search Console through Cpanel, if you are using a different tool than Cpanel then check your hosting provider.

  1. Go to Google Search Console.
  2. Click ‘Add Property’.
  3. Choose Domain and enter your domain name: Click ‘Continue’, you’ll be redirected to the next step.
  4. Copy the TXT record you’ll get.
  5. Log into your Cpanel.
  6. Find Zone Editor under Domains:
  7. Choose the domain you need to verify in Google Search Console and click ‘Manage’.
  8. Add a record and select TXT as a record type.
  9. Fill in the rest of the fields with the following information:
    • Valid zone name – your domain name
    • TTL – 3600
    • Text – your verification text copied in step 4.
  10. Once you’ve filled in all the fields, click ‘Add record’ to save it.
  11. Go back to Google Search Console and click ‘Verify’.

Don’t worry if your domain is not verified right away in Search Console. Wait for like 10 to 20 minutes

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