For users of Aveshost's web hosting services, identifying the appropriate nameservers for your domain is essential. The specific nameservers required will depend on your hosting plan and the registrar where your domain is registered. Below, we provide guidance on how to locate the correct nameservers based on your hosting plan.

  1. Go to Aveshost services page 
  2. Click on the Manage button next to your cPanel plan
  3. Scroll down on the product details page, and you will find the Nameservers Information displayed on the left-hand panel.


Once you locate the correct nameservers and update them for your domain, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the My Domains page in your Aveshost account.
  2. Click on Manage for the specific domain you want to update.
  3. In the left-side panel, click on Nameservers.
  4. Select Custom Nameservers, enter the nameservers, and click the Change Nameservers button.


If your domain is registered with another registrar, update the nameservers in your domain provider's settings. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for these changes to fully propagate across the internet. This is a normal process, though it often completes much sooner.

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